点评:Rapper's Saga'Mogul Mowgli'一年中最好的电影之一

休斯顿竞争导演Bassam Tariq将自己显示为独立电影现场的一个主要人才。

里兹艾哈迈德在'mogul mowgli'




These are the perilous horns of a dilemma on which the aging British-Pakistani rapper — played with electric intensity by Riz Ahmed (“Sound of Metal,” “The Night Of”) — finds himself in Bassam Tariq’s artfully powerful character study “Mogul Mowgli,” opening Sept. 3.


There are younger British South Asian rappers who lust after his shine — specifically the decidedly not-woke and face-tattooed RPG (Nabhaan Rizwan), whose trap-style raps celebrate sex and fried chicken — so Zed’s potential breakthrough and an upcoming tour as an opening act for a big name are crucial. But it’s all thrown into chaos when Zed is diagnosed with a muscle-related autoimmune condition, forcing him into a bed and wheelchair and back home with his traditionalist parents, who haven’t seen him in two years.

'mogul mowgli'



在哪里:9月3日在Alamo Drafthouse Lacenterra,Katy;屏幕7下午7点10月7日在休斯顿美术博物馆。


这就是他必须面对内部骚动的地方 - 从使用非洲裔美国人的嘻哈来找到他的声音,感受到他父母的旧世界的不适 - 他从未来过条款。即使他的名字也不是真的;他给出的名字是Zheer,一个相对让他悲伤的变化,说Zed是西方的卖出,一个不是他的嘻哈文化。(Zed的父亲由注意巴克斯坦演员Alyy Khan播放,他是“一个强大的心”和“印度夏天”的迷你赛。)

Filmed in the 4:3 format (meaning the image is a more claustrophobic square as opposed to wide-screen and rectangular), “Mogul Mowgli” immediately plunges the viewer into Zed’s woozy reality, where he’s often in close-up and haunted by a Pakistani character named Toba Tek Singh, battle rapping against Black rappers or engaged in a wrestling match like those Tariq and Ahmed found on the streets of Karachi for their 2018 music video“Mogambo。”Written by Ahmed and Tariq, “Mogul Mowgli” may leave some who don’t share their cultural and religious background scratching their heads at times — with the train imagery and perhaps oblique references to the 1947 partition between India and Pakistan — but the basic through line of the story about a man grasping for his identity is never obscured.


虽然这是塔里克的第一个全长叙述特征,他在休斯顿西南部长大,这不是他的第一个项目。他已经制作了纪录片和短裤,最后用令人印象深刻的2019年纪录片短的“糖场鬼魂”(目前在Netflix)关于内疚,不安和愤怒,他和他的朋友们感受到了他们的高中伙伴 - 孤独的非洲人美国在南亚朋友集团 - 在线加权化,加入了Isis。

但是,“Mogul Mowgli”,一种风格和视觉能量的噼啪声,是突飞猛进的“糖土地的幽灵”。这是一部宣布一个主要的新人才的电影,它被拉进了奇迹轨道,因为它最近宣布他将指导“刀片”重启马哈拉阿里。让我们希望将绕道进入高赌注箱箱办公室轮盘赌的绕行并不能扼杀他独特的敏感性,其中一个导航南亚移民文化之间的裂缝,深入和了解那里的人并居住的人。

简单地说,“Mogul Mowgli”是今年最好,最显着的电影之一。


  • 亲爱的

    Cary Darling于2017年加入了休斯顿纪事纪闻剧,他撰写了关于艺术,娱乐和流行文化的撰写,重点是电影和媒体。最初是来自洛杉矶和罗古拉·玛丽蒙大学的毕业生,他一直是橙县注册,迈阿密格兰德和沃思堡的特色记者或编辑。此外,他还有一些出版物,包括洛杉矶时报,达拉斯早上新闻。