

Bad Bunny performs the first of two concerts at Toyota Center, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, in Houston. Photo: Mark Mulligan/Staff photographer



我参加的最后一个室内节目差不多两年前,在牛仔州斯顿看到K-Pop Group NCT 127,就像Covid正在紧缩这座城市的抓地力一样。最后两年前,最后两年前,最后两年前,我审查的最后一个非Rodeo展示在丰田市中心的Bachata Act Aventura。

There was a welcome moment of release and relief last summer when I saw local powerhouse Christina Wells perform at Miller Outdoor Theatre. That show was filled with warmth and joy and inspiration, a reminder that everything would indeed be OK.


Bad Bunny performs the first of two concerts at Toyota Center, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, in Houston. Photo: Mark Mulligan/Staff photographer


但是在他集中的中间的某个地方,在流行弹跳的“si veo a tumamá”之间和更难以欣赏的“solía,”我意识到我不担心。关于被这么多人包围。关于只是戴着面具的几个(我们谈论单位数字)中的一个。关于地板上彼此挤压的粉丝的数量。


它适合那个坏兔子是火花。他是一个无所畏惧的表演者,毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地与流派或性别的传统限制。他采取拉丁语音乐陈词滥调,并将它们转向他们的头部,积极推动男子来潮。这就是为什么他的展示如此均匀地吸引男人和女人。这就是为什么他成为赞美的LGBTQ +盟友。


在“Antes Que Se Acabe”期间,糟糕的兔子敦促人群开放,意识到他们的情绪,并在你需要时寻求帮助。

"Don’t be afraid to feel bad," he said.

Bad Bunny performs the first of two concerts at Toyota Center, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, in Houston. Photo: Mark Mulligan/Staff photographer

He stopped for several moments to take in the crowd and its energy at the start of the show, just after his entrance atop an 18-wheeler. Yes, a literal big rig rolled onto the venue floor. It was surrounded on three sides by fans in pits. He was dressed in utilitarian street wear and his hair was up in neat knots. His skull microphone glowed with red eyes.


SetList有效地展示了Reggaeton Bad Bunny拍摄声音的远远。一些歌曲已经超出了他们的长度,其他歌曲进入了快速火灾的继任并持续了一分钟。“哟Visto ASI”和“Lo Que Digas没有我Importa”从'90s拉丁流行音乐中汲取灵感。“Maldita Pobreza”和“La Noche de Anoche”是在岩石Ensepañol的基础上。“格雷塔斯”有一个抒情的60s质量。

There was, of course, plenty of harder edged reggaeton that kept the crowd on its feet. But he's equally affecting on angsty, romantic tunes "La droga," "Haciendo que me amas" and "Te deseo lo mejor," a song he dubbed one of his favorites.



  • Joey Guerra.
    Joey Guerra.

    乔伊Guerra是休斯顿Ch的音乐评论家ronicle. He also covers various aspects of pop culture. He has reviewed hundreds of concerts and interviewed hundreds of celebrities, from Justin Bieber to Dolly Parton to Beyonce. He's appeared as a regular correspondent on Fox26 and was head judge and director of the Pride Superstar singing competition for a decade. He has been named journalist of the year multiple times by both OutSmart Magazine and the FACE Awards. He also covers various aspects of pop culture, including the local drag scene and "RuPaul's Drag Race."