创业休斯顿说唱歌手保罗·沃尔仍然tippin’ 40岁



图文:贾马尔 - 埃利斯,休斯敦纪事/贡献者


It appears the Houston rapper (and self-proclaimed “people’s champ”), who dropped mid-aughts bangers like “Sittin’ Sidewayz” and collaborated with such stars as Kanye West and Nelly, tends to pop up on the social-media platform whenever someone brings up the subject of white rappers. It’s already happened twice this year. In March (the same month where he celebrated his 40th birthday),有人啾啾,已故的马克·米勒是唯一的白人说唱歌手谁没有撕掉阿姆。这促使粉丝来捍卫墙壁。(“永远不要再尊重保罗墙,”一个人推文。)几周前,粉丝再次支持墙,当巴尔的摩说唱啾啾“那是什么带来的社会气氛,取得布瓦·斯帕克克克斯ñ保罗·沃尔在当天接受了。”

“Every time I see it, it’s always, like, amazing to me, just cuz I kind of stay relatively out of the limelight,” says Wall (government name: Paul Michael Slayton), speaking at a recording studio near his home in the Heights. When it comes to people on Twitter occasionally testing his gangsta, the artist not only takes it in stride, he also gets it. “To be honest, when I see that, the criticism is still valid. It’s kind of like a hip-hop audit — and it’s not even just for hip-hop. It’s just in general, in entertainment and just across the globe.”





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这些天来,华尔街更关心的是与新的音乐来。他计划在今年晚些时候推出自己的“名人堂骗子”专辑。上个月下旬,他发行了单曲“仍然啜饮着。”一种quick sequel to “Still Tippin’,” the classic 2005 joint he did with fellow Houston MCs Slim Thug and Mike Jones, this one has him rapping with Thug and — another H-Town vet — Lil Keke (who teamed up with Wall for the 2020 album “Slab Talk”). “We do a lot of touring together, a lot of shows,” says Wall. “Of course, they’re two of my best friends, especially in hip-hop — two of my closest friends.”

这首歌是约,而他们在上录制的iMix工作室。“We had the beat, which was produced by Platinum Hands, and it just reminded me of Salih Williams, who made ‘Still Tippin’, ‘Sittin’ Sidewayz,’ ‘Back Then’ and a bunch of other Houston classics from the Wreckshop Records era.

“这真的只是,就像一个自由式,”他补充道。“它没有钩子。我们刚刚回到了它 - 我,亲眼和苗条的暴徒。“


即使在大流行,沃尔仍然继续他的是一个地下嘻哈天王的使命 - 为人民。“作为人民的冠军,要知道,这件事情我一直爱所示,试图代表为人民”,他说。“当你是人民的冠军,你并不总是赢得冠军实际。有时候,你只是得到了人们的冠军。所以,你没有真正得到很多相同的赞誉,但你没有这样做了点。



  • 克雷格·林赛